
在美买房 免费服务


1. General
1.1. The following Terms of Use (the ToU) shall apply to the website accessible at zhugezuche.com (the Website), which allows you without limitation to contact independent real estate agencies and to further inquire information on real estate abroad of your choice in order to facilitate its purchase, and any other products and/or services available at the same URL address (together the Services), which are provided by Chat Rays Meida Los Angeles CA, USA , (Jiazhumeiguo).
1.2. By accessing and using this Website and Services, you agree to comply with and be bound by the ToU. If you do not agree to these ToU, please refrain accessing and using the Services.

2. Registration
2.1. Certain Services and sections of it require the registration of a user profile (the User Profile) and to sign-in before they can be used. By registering a User Profile or using the Services through any other means, you warrant that you are of legal age and have unrestricted legal capacity in your country of domicile or residence.
2.2. You warrant that all information provided to Jiazhumeiguo in the registration process or otherwise is true and accurate. Users shall keep such information up to date at any time.
2.3. You agree to keep your user name and password confidential. You acknowledge that you are fully responsible for the use that is made of your User Profile, including any third party use irrespective of whether you authorized such use or not. You shall be fully liable for any losses and/or damages that may result from any such use. You agree to immediately notify Jiazhumeiguo of any unauthorized access or use of your User Profile or any other breach of security.
2.4. Jiazhumeiguo reserves the right to temporarily or permanently cancel a User Profile at any time without notice and without any compensation, for any reason whatsoever, without incurring any liability.

3. Third-Party Content
3.1. Certain users are granted the possibility to post on, transmit through, or link from the Services text, files, images, photos, videos, sounds, or other materials (Third-Party Content). Notably without limitation, a real estate agent or real estate agency can describe a real estate property on the Website and upload pictures of it.
3.2. You hereby grant Jiazhumeiguo a worldwide, free of charge, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, assignable license, with right of sublicense, and any intellectual property rights related thereto, to use the Third-Party Content in connection with the Services and in accordance with the [Privacy Policy].
3.3. You understand and agree that all Third-Party Content posted on, transmitted through, or linked from the Services, are the sole responsibility of the user from whom such Third-Party Content originates. Any Third-Party Content posted on, transmitted through, or linked from the Services shall not be considered as an endorsement by Jiazhumeiguo of any kind. Jiazhumeiguo shall have no liability related to the Third-Party Content, whether arising under intellectual property laws, libel, privacy, obscenity, or otherwise.
3.4. Jiazhumeiguo shall neither be considered like a real estate agency or real estate agent nor as a party to any transaction between you, and a real estate agency or real estate agent.
3.5. Jiazhumeiguo reserves the right (but not the obligation) to take any action with respect to the Third-Party Content, if Jiazhumeiguo believes that it may create liability for Jiazhumeiguo or may cause Jiazhumeiguo to lose the services of Jiazhumeiguo’s Internet service providers or other suppliers and/or providers.
3.6. Jiazhumeiguo cannot, nor does Jiazhumeiguo undertake any obligation to, control the Third-Party Content. By its very nature, the information in the Third-Party Content is changed frequently, may be inaccurate and in some cases may be mislabeled or deceptively labeled. Jiazhumeiguo does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of such information, nor does Jiazhumeiguo undertake to verify, update or correct such information. Jiazhumeiguo also does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, regarding any Third-Party Content. Jiazhumeiguo reserves the right to adjust, refuse or remove any Third-Party Content at Jiazhumeiguo’s sole discretion, in particular to comply with any applicable law.

4. Use of Services
By accessing and using the Services, you shall not without limitation:
4.1. transmit any data for interrupting, damaging or limiting the functionality of the Services, e.g. your use of the Services shall not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information;
4.2. use your User Profile (See definition under Section 2.1 and the Services for any unlawful purpose;
4.3. infringe, or cause a third party to infringe, any applicable law or regulation;
4.4. infringe any intellectual property right, or other proprietary right or right of publicity or privacy;
4.5. use the Services other than for your personal needs or act in the name and on behalf of a third party, whether your client or not, searching for a real estate property; and 4.6. use the Services in breach with the [Privacy Policy].

5. Intellectual Property
5.1. The Services are protected by intellectual property rights, notably without limitation copyright and trademarks. Without prejudice to Section 3.2, Jiazhumeiguo and its licensors own all intellectual property rights in and to the Services and on the content published on and/or through the Services, or have acquired an appropriate consent or license from third parties.
5.2. The concerned users or their licensors retain ownership of all rights, title and interest in and to their Third-Party Content.
5.3. If you think that the Services or the provision of any content of the Services infringe any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right, you may at all times contact Jiazhumeiguo at info@chatrays.com and ask Jiazhumeiguo to remove such content from the Services.

6. Privacy and data protection
Jiazhumeiguo’s Privacy policy is accessible .

7. Suspension and termination of use
You agree that Jiazhumeiguo may, at its sole discretion, suspend or terminate your User Profile, and/or your access and/or use to all or part of the Services with or without notice and for any reason, including, without limitation, breach of these ToU, without incurring any liability whatsoever. Any suspected illegal, fraudulent or abusive activity may be grounds for termination and may be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities. Upon suspension or termination, your right to access and/or use the Services will immediately cease, and subject to applicable law, Jiazhumeiguo reserves the right to remove or delete any information and/or content, in particular Third-Party Content, including any User Profile or sign in information.

8. No warranties and liability
8.1. You agree that your access and use of the Services shall be at your sole risk and liability. You acknowledge that the content of the Services is provided to you on an "as is" and "as available" basis, and that to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Jiazhumeiguo disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, in connection with the Services and their access and use thereof, without limitation with regards to quality, suitability for any purpose, compatibility, reliability, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, access and/or use.
8.2. Furthermore, Jiazhumeiguo makes no warranties or representations about and bears, unless willful misconduct or gross negligence, no liability for (i) the accuracy or completeness of the content of the Services, notably Third-Party Content, including but not limited to any errors, and/or omissions, mistakes, inaccuracies of content, as well as its timely and proper delivery; (ii) limitations; (iii) personal injury; or (iv) property damage, of any nature whatsoever resulting from (a) your access or use of the Services; (b) any unauthorized access or use of any and all data, personal information and/or financial information stored through or on the Services; (c) any interruption, loss of, or cessation of transmission to or from the Services; (d) any bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, or the like which may be transmitted to or through the Services by any third party; (e) any errors or omissions in any content; (f) or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, published, uploaded, linked from, or otherwise made available via the Services.

9. Limitation of Liability
9.1. To the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Jiazhumeiguo, its directors, officers, shareholders, employees or suppliers be liable for any direct or indirect loss, consequential, incidental, special or any other damages arising from or in connection with your access and use of the Services, including authorized or unauthorized third party use of User Profiles, or any reliance on any of the content, notably Third-Party Content, provided on or otherwise in connection with the Services.
9.2. Should you not agree with any part of these ToU or have any dispute or claim against Jiazhumeiguo or its suppliers with respect to these ToU, the sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Section 9.2 is not intended to limit the legal rights that you may have as a consumer or under other mandatory applicable law that may not be excluded, nor in any way exclude or limit Jiazhumeiguo’s liability.

10. Indemnification
You shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify Jiazhumeiguo for any claim, demand, dispute, litigation, damage or loss (including reasonable attorney’s fees) incurred by Jiazhumeiguo from another user of the Services or a third party arising out of or in connection with your access and use of the Services and/or any infringement of the ToU.

11. Modification
Jiazhumeiguo reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify these ToU at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be posted on the Website and become effective at the time of publication. Your continued use of the Services after the effective date of such changes will constitute your acceptance of such changes.

12. Miscellaneous
12.1. Should any provision of these ToU be determined to be invalid or unenforceable by any court having competent jurisdiction, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be replaced with a provision that reflects the intent of the original provision, to the extent permitted by applicable law and all other provisions of these ToU shall remain in full force and effect.
12.2. Jiazhumeiguo may assign or transfer its rights and obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, at any time without notice.
12.3. The headings in these Terms and Conditions are used for convenience only and have no legal or contractual significance.

13. Contact
If you have any questions regarding the Services, or the ToU please contact Jiazhumeiguo at info@chatrays.com.

14. Governing law and Jurisdiction
14.1. These ToU shall be governed by and construed in accordance with substantive United States law, without reference to its conflict of laws provisions.
14.2. Any dispute or difference arising out of or in relation to these ToU shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of United States, California, subject to the right of appeal to the United States Federal


“家住美国”平台的各项服务的所有权和运作权归川锐传媒(Chat Rays Media)。“家住美国”平台提供的服务将完全按照其发布的章程、服务条款和操作规则严格执行。用户完全完成注册程序,便成为“家住美国”平台的注册用户,将得到一个密码和帐号,同时此协议即时生效。用户有义务保证密码和帐号的安全。同时,用户对利用该密码和帐号所进行的一切活动负全部责任;因此所衍生的任何损失或损害,“家住美国”平台概不承担任何责任。



(1) 自行配备上网的所需设备,包括个人电脑、个人无线终端、调制解调器或其他必备上网装置;

(2) 自行负担个人上网所支付的与此服务有关的电话费用、网络费用。


(1) 依本服务注册表的提示提供您本人真实、正确、最新及完整的资料;

(2) 维持更新您个人用户信息,确保其真实、正确、最新及完整。若您提供任何错误、不实、过时或不完整的资料,并为““家住美国””平台所确知,或者““家住美国””平台有合理的理由怀疑注册资料为错误、不实、过时或不完整,““家住美国””平台有权暂停或终止您的帐号,并拒绝您于现在和未来使用“家住美国”平台全部或部分的服务。

(3) 您注册的用户名不能侵犯他人合法权益,不能对他人名誉权造成侵犯。“家住美国”平台有权收回对他人合法权益有侵犯嫌疑的帐号。



(1) 有关法律规定和程序,“家住美国”平台合法服务程序规定;

(2) 保持维护“家住美国”平台的商标所有权和其他合法权益;

(3) 在紧急情况下竭力维护用户个人和社会大众的隐私安全;

(4) 与“家住美国”平台的关联公司和战略合作伙伴分享客户资料,以及其他需要公开、编辑或透露个人信息的情况。


(1) 在进行促销、抽奖、捐助等社会或商业活动时,“家住美国”平台可能会与赞助商共享用户的个人信息,在这些情况下“家住美国”平台会在发送用户信息之前进行提示,并且用户可以通过不参与来终止传送过程;

(2) “家住美国”平台会通过透露合计用户统计数据,向未来的合作伙伴、广告商及其他第三方以及为了其他合法目的而描述“家住美国”平台的服务;

(3) “家住美国”平台可以将用户信息与第三方数据匹配;

(4) “家住美国”平台会向用户发送客户订制的信息或者其它“家住美国”平台认为用户会感兴趣的其他信息。如果用户不希望收到这样的信息,只需在提供个人信息时或其他任何时候告知即可;

(5) 另外,“家住美国”平台会采取行业惯用措施保护用户信息的安全,但“家住美国”平台不能确信或保证任何个人信息的安全性,用户须自己承担风险。比如用户联机公布可被公众访问的个人信息时,用户有可能会收到未经用户同意的信息;“家住美国”平台的合作伙伴和可通过“家住美国”平台访问的第三方因特网站点和服务;通过抽奖、促销等活动得知用户个人信息的第三方会进行独立的数据收集工作等活动。“家住美国”平台对用户及其他任何第三方的上述行为,不承担任何责任。











(1) 停止使用“家住美国”平台的网络服务;

(2) 通告“家住美国”平台停止对该用户的服务。结束用户服务后,用户使用网络服务的权利马上中止。从那时起,用户没有权利,“家住美国”平台也没有义务传送任何未处理的信息或未完成的服务给用户或第三方。




(1) 从中国境内向外传输技术性资料时必须符合中国有关法规;

(2) 使用网络服务不作非法用途;

(3) 不干扰或混乱网络服务;

(4) 遵守所有使用网络服务的网络协议、规定、程序和惯例。

(5) 用户的密码和帐号遭到未授权的使用或发生其他任何安全问题,用户可以立即通知“家住美国”平台,并且用户在每次连线结束,应结束帐号使用,否则用户可能得不到“家住美国”平台的安全保护。

(6) 禁止用户从事以下行为:

1) 上载、张贴、发送或传送任何非法、政治偏见、淫秽、粗俗、猥亵的,胁迫、骚扰、中伤他人、诽谤、侵害他人隐私或诋毁他人名誉或商誉的,种族歧视、危害未成年人或其他不适当的信息或电子邮件,包括但不限于资讯、资料、文字、软件、音乐、照片、图形、信息或其他资料(以下简称内容)。

2) 未经“家住美国”平台许可的广告行为。

3) 冒充任何人或机构,或以虚伪不实的方式谎称或使人误认为与任何人或任何机构有关。

4) 伪造标题或以其他方式操控识别资料,使人误认为该内容为“家住美国”平台所传送。

5) 上载、张贴、发送电子邮件或以其它方式传送无权传送的内容(例如内部资料、机密资料)。

6) 上载、张贴、发送电子邮件或以其它方式传送侵犯任何人的专利、商标、著作权、商业秘密或其他专属权利之内容。

7) 在“家住美国”平台提供的专供张贴广告的区域之外,上载、张贴、发送电子邮件或以其他方式传送广告函件、促销资料、垃圾邮件等。

8) 上载、张贴、发送电子邮件或以其他方式传送有关干扰、破坏或限制任何计算机软件、硬件或通讯设备功能的软件病毒或其他计算机代码、档案和程序之资料。

9) 干扰或破坏本服务或与本服务相连的服务器和网络,或不遵守本服务协议之规定。

10) 故意或非故意违反任何相关的法律、法规、规章、条例等其他具有法律效力的规范。

11) 跟踪或以其他方式骚扰他人。

12) 其它被“家住美国”平台视为不适当的行为。









(1) “家住美国”平台为用户提供“家住美国”平台手机短信服务。一旦用户在注册本服务的过程输入自己的手机号码和保护码并完成登记注册程序,则表明用户愿意接受“家住美国”平台发送的短信,此服务为免信息费服务,“家住美国”平台不向用户收取任何费用,用户主动发送的短信产生的费用,由用户向移动运营商支付,与“家住美国”平台无关。若用户通过注册并使用了“家住美国”平台的收费短信服务,则表示用户同意通过运营商支付信息费给“家住美国”平台,此服务产生的信息费由运营商代为收取。手机短信服务的具体收费说明见具体服务的相应页面。

(2) “家住美国”平台为用户提供手机上网服务,其站点为(//zhugezuche.com)以及和“家住美国”平台合作的合作站点。“家住美国”平台不收取用户任何费用,用户上网产生可能产生的流量费,由用户向运营商支付,与“家住美国”平台无关。

(3) “家住美国”平台不承担用户由于手机故障、欠费、丢失、借用或盗用后他人利用手机订购“家住美国”平台短信息服务而遭受的损失或并非由于“家住美国”平台的原因而导致的任何其它损失。对于用户出国并使用国际漫游服务但未取消已定制的短信息服务,或者在国际漫游状态下继续使用短信息点播服务,用户应当承担相关所有费用,“家住美国”平台不承担任何责任。

(4) 用户自己承担系统受损或资料丢失的所有风险和责任。“家住美国”平台对于删除和存储数据失败并不负有任何责任。

(5) 如因“家住美国”平台的过错,导致用户接收到错误的信息并支付了不应支付的信息费,“家住美国”平台的全部责任仅限于赔偿用户因错误信息而支付的信息费。










(1) “家住美国”平台有权但无义务,改善或更正本服务任何部分之任何疏漏、错误。

(2) “家住美国”平台不保证以下事项(包括但不限于):

1) 本服务适合用户的使用要求;

2) 本服务不受干扰,及时、安全、可靠或不出现错误;

3) 用户经由本服务取得的任何产品、服务或其他材料符合用户的期望;

4) 用户使用经由本服务下载的或取得的任何资料,其风险自行负担;因该使用而导致用户电脑系统损坏或资料流失,用户应负完全责任;

5) 对基于以下原因而造成的利润、商业信誉、资料的损失或其他有形或无形损失,“家住美国”平台不承担任何直接、间接、附带、衍生或惩罚性的赔偿;

6) 服务使用或无法使用;

7) 经由本服务购买或取得的任何产品、资料或服务;

8) 用户资料遭到未授权的使用或修改;

9) 其他与本服务相关的事宜。

(3) 用户在浏览网际网路时自行判断使用“家住美国”平台的检索目录。该检索目录可能会引导用户进入到被认为具有攻击性或不适当的网站,“家住美国”平台没有义务查看检索目录所列网站的内容,因此,对其正确性、合法性、正当性不负任何责任。

(4) 用户必须同意对于“家住美国”平台向用户提供的下列产品或者服务的质量缺陷本身及其引发的任何损失,“家住美国”平台无需承担任何责任:

1) “家住美国”平台向用户免费提供的各项网络服务;

2) “家住美国”平台向用户赠送的任何产品或者服务;

3) “家住美国”平台向收费网络服务用户附赠的各种产品或者服务。





(1) 用户同意遵守《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》、《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》、《计算机软件保护条例》、信息产业部2000108日第4次部务会议通过的《互联网电子公告服务管理规定》,以及《互联网新闻信息服务管理规定》等有关计算机及互联网规定的法律和法规、实施办法。在任何情况下,“家住美国”平台合理地认为用户的行为可能违反上述法律、法规,“家住美国”平台可以在任何时候,不经事先通知终止向该用户提供服务。

(2) 用户应了解国际互联网的无国界性,应特别注意遵守当地所有有关的法律和法规。



  (1) 通过电话取得个人信息的管理,为了对通过咨询取得的信息采取适宜的管理

  (1) 通过网站咨询表单取得的个人信息的管理,为了对通过咨询取得的信息采取适宜的管理
  (2) 通过物件页咨询表单取得的个人信息的管理
  (3) 通过微信取得的个人信息







709 S Glendora Ave,West Covina, CA 91790
@2011-2020 科威同创(北京)科技有限公司 美国川锐传媒